Keeping Time Podcast #29: James Thompson
James Thompson is the definition of DISRUPTION. His unique approach to industrial design and advanced composite materials has created unique collaborations with some of the most creative independent watchmakers, including MB&F and Sarpaneva. James has redefined how luminous material can be used in modern watchmaking. Listen in as James joins host Jeremy Oster from his home and workshop in Sweden to discuss his career, attitude, contacts and amazing collaborations. James also appears on Ted X Brighton discussing his game changing approach to jewellery and watch design.
Keeping Time aims to bring insightful, natural and unscripted conversation to all who love and appreciate fine watchmaking and all those who contribute to the beauty of this industry.

James Thompson Industrial design MFA / lume materials specialist. Photo from Black Badger Instagram feed.

James Thompson from Black Badger on Keeping Time with Oster Watches podcast #29. Photo from Black Badger Instagram feed.
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